April in review 2024

April 2024

Season: Autumn

The leaves on the trees remain wonderfully vibrant - as the month comes to a closure many of them have began to fall. Piles of gold, burnt orange and burgandy leaves form delightful mounds of colour. There’s nothing quite like the crunching sound of autumnal leaves underfoot. The sound reminds me of being a child it evokes a sense of playfulness in me. When did I stop playing? Play is so important in art making. It’s something I’m having to relearn. Why so serious? - I keep asking myself. If I could fully surrender to play you would find me covered in a mass of fallen leaves with a huge satisfying smile on my face.

It seems Autumn is a season for shedding all that no longer serves you. We found a snakes skin. It was long, scaly and intact. Apparently they shed their skin a few weeks before they hibernate or as they grow larger and outgrow it (the later, I’d prefer not to think about.)

This Autumn I choose to shed all insecurities I have of showing up exactly as I am. I choose to step back into the little imaginative child who has been waiting eagerly for me to return so together we can become the artist we are meant to be and express all that we feel and see through colour and mark making instead of words. How liberating.

Lastly on a special note my in-laws managed to visit and stay with us one last time before David became too weak and unable to drive. I feel blessed that he was able to see and experience Mount Franklin and to know that he loved it just as much us we do. We spent most of this month in town by his side.

My work:

I’ve just completed week 6/12 of CVP Art2Life, run by Nicholas Wilton. I’ve been learning about value, design and colour. I’m loving every second of the teachings. I didn’t realise how much I was yearning to learn. This is hands down the best online course I’ve ever taken and there’s been quite a few. I’ve had to put my 100 day challenge on hold but I’m making art everyday and that’s what counts. Below are some journal entries and boards I’ve painted during the course. My journal only has 4 pages left, I’ve never been able to keep a visual diary and now it has become part of my morning practice. I paint for 10-30 mins first thing each morning.

Shared resources:


Art2Life by Nicholas Wilton

A great podcast for the creatively curious. I’m still making my way through each episode, they’re very inspiring for any artist or newbie wanting to make art.


May in review 2024


March in review 2024