March in review 2024
March 2024
Season: Autumn
I’ve noticed the golden light this month. We’ve been privy to some spectacular light shows both as the sun rises and as it sets. The leaves on the trees are beginning to change colour - beautiful yellows, burnt orange and reds are spotted throughout the landscape.
The hot summer days have brought with them the March flies, they’re little bastards and have a nasty bite. The grasses have dried out, the land has gone from green to tones of yellow. It’s the first month we haven’t had to mow the lawns which is a welcome relief. This years Summer was predominately wet so the grasses kept growing.
The wood shed is stacked full and we are ready for quiet nights in front of the fire. When splitting the logs we came across a multitude of critters - spiders & scorpions to name a few - eeek.
My veggie patch has only a few eggplants & capsicums still growing. The lorikeets found and feasted on the remaining blackberries and cherry tomatoes. It’s time to clean up the beds and eventually get the soil rejuvenated in time for Spring. In the meantime I’m dreaming up how I will plant and design the next garden beds. Lot’s to think about, I’m imagining it will include the making of many tee pees for vertical growing.
My work:
This month I’ve continued the 100 day challenge: Where I paint one painting a day on paper. I also signed up to a 12 week course CVP through Art2Life run by Nicholas Wilton. I’m up to week 3 and it’s been great so far. The first 3 weeks have been dedicated to mindset and finding what truly lights you up, the things you desire (wild dreams you have for your art and life) and ideas of how you’d like to deepen your work. We’ve had to make 3 visual boards I’ll post my inspiration board of all that lights me up below. This coming week is all about play. In the following weeks we cover design principles and techniques. I’m so excited to learn new things, to be inspired with new possibilities and new ways to think and open up as a painter. I have fire in my belly. There’s an innocence that comes with being self taught, but I’ve noticed a yearning to learn more from a pedigree of good teachers. I’ve started keeping a visual journal that includes recording all my ideas, which I’m learning to love.
The things I’d like to work on next month:
Continue my 100 day challenge
Really get into CVP and practicing all that is being taught
Keep working in my journal to make it a new habit
Shared resources:
A great podcast for the creatively curious. I’m slowly making my way through each episode, they’re very inspiring for any artist or newbie wanting to make art.